
Showing posts from August, 2018

New House Update

Back in April, Husband and I decided it was time for us to move. We looked around and ultimately decided the best option for us was to build a new home. There is a longer story on the whys and hows that decision came about, but I'll save that for another post. For now, I'll share the pictures we've slowly been collecting ever since we started visiting our new house. Our first visit was in May. I purposely included the lamp post in order to keep track of where our house would be built. May 2018 In June, our basement got dug out! You can't see the lamp post in this photo, but it's next to that blue garbage in the right side of the picture. June 2018 Our July visit had some concrete going up! You can also tell that our neighbors homes are going up. During this visit, we walked through some the neighborhood homes that were further along than ours. We could tell the slight variations we had made. I'm excited to see how all our homes look when complete...

Restaurant Roulette-Sumoritto

Husband and I got married on Feb. 18. In order to celebrate that every single month and to keep having adventures together, every month on the 18th, we try a brand new restaurant. It has to be a place that neither of us have been to, but it can be a place that someone has recommended. Originally, Husband wanted to save recommended restaurants for another time, but that quickly proved to be a difficult rule. A bonus of this tradition: we've nicknamed it Restaurant Roulette, two words that I previously could not spell without the help of spellcheck. This month's restaurant: Sumoritto in Taylorsville. It's located close to a movie theater that we've gone to many, many times and yet, I've never noticed this place. In fact, when we were ordering, I asked the cashier if they had just opened. She looked puzzled and said, "No, we've been here for two years." Cool, cool. Longer than I've lived in Taylorsville. This place is amazing! They serve giant siz...